V_no Date Amount Remarks Exp_BY
45306/11/2024Rs 11312Petrol bill for the month of Sep; = 10512 Car Wash = 150 Roti + 400 Mobile Recharge = 250
45102/10/2024Rs 29575Petrol bill for the month Aug; 24 = 16925 Miss. Ruining Expenses = 1650 Salary to driver for the month of Sept; 24 = 11000
44604/09/2024Rs 30333Petrol bill for the month of July 24 = 17183 Salary to driver for the month of Aug; 24 = 12000 Miss. Expenses = 1150
43103/08/2024Rs 22193Petrol bill for July 24 = 8793 Washing = 450 Lunch/ B. Fast to Driver =700 Oxy Cylinder Refill = 250 Salary to driver for the month of July 24 = 12000
42503/08/2024Rs 28322Battery = 4500 Shoker = 1000 Repair at Car Shingar = 16862 Repair at Vicky Motor Garrage = 5960
40003/05/2024Rs 21910Petrol bill for the month of March 24 = 10860 Salary to driver for the month of April 24 = 10000 Washing (3) = 450 Freshner for car = 200 Lunch/B.Fast to driver = 400
40603/06/2024Rs 27798Petrol Bill for the month of April 24 = 13048 Salary to driver for the month of May 24 = 12000 Washing 3 Times = 450 AC Service = 1000 Bus Fare to Chandigarh of 2 persons for spare part = 500 Diesel for Service = 200 Lunch/ B. Fast = 600
41601/07/2024Rs 27910Petrol bill for the month of May 24 11851 Salary to driver for the month of June 24 12000 Washing ( 3 ) 450 Wiper 300 Fitness fee foe fitness 3000 Lunch/B fast to drive 300